Image Source: Movies.NYTimes.com
As a small business sales trainer, Noah has helped hundreds of companies get their sales team on track. ? You might say one of his favorite things to do is empower a sales team to make more money. ?This is especially important in a small business where each person is integral to the success of the business.
Increasing your bottom line is a lot easier than you think. ?From us to you ? here?s our advice on how you can make more money:
You don?t have to sell on price.
If you stop selling on price you will make more money. ?You will feel like you?re losing ground in the beginning, but trust us, you will make more money. ?Since all your efforts can not be focused more precisely in a quality client base, you?ll be less busy while making about the same.
The key to this business philosophy is to make sure that you offer the best services ? hold your employees to a higher standard with excellent customer service, diligence and attention to detail. ?Make sure the phone is answered, calls are returned and every client gets touched with personal attention at least quarterly.
Bump it up.
As a small business sales trainer, ?Noah coaches his solopreneurs with one crucial piece of advice: When you?re too busy with small potatoes to make big potatoes, bump up your prices. ?You know what we mean: If your small clients are sucking away your time, energy and effort, cut them loose by raising rates so they can naturally fall away from your client list.
You see, while keeping a client around for nostalgic purposes may seem like loyalty, business is, unfortunately, business. ?You have overhead to pay regardless of how much you like the client who can only afford half of what you should be charging.
Take a look at how many small clients are taking away from the potential you have to conquer big clients, then initiate the changes you need to cut them loose. ?From an emotional aspect, go ahead and keep one or two ?pet projects? for yourself if you need to. These should be clients you truly enjoy and / or provide you the most referrals.

Image Source: SEOTitle.com
Hire a small business sales trainer or business coach.
You can not see inside your snowglobe from inside your own snowglobe. ?Simply, it?s harder to analyze why you aren?t making more money by yourself. ?Hiring a small business sales trainer to consult with can help you assess the strengths and weaknesses of your sales team as well as your business.
You?d be amazed how many simple fixes an experienced 3rd party can spot. Sales training almost always pays for itself by the enhanced ability of your people. ?Think about it: It?s like the gift that keeps giving.
Do you want fries with that?
I?ll keep this quick because it?s a very simple concept: Add ons make you more money and make life easier for the client. From batteries and breathmints to candy and flashlights, add ons are the reason you have to bypass an arsenal of sweets to check-out.
If you sell roofing, offer premium shingles, a biannual checkup or gutter cleaning. ?If you sell food, all your people must ask if the customer wants any dessert to-go today. ?Every business has add ons, you just have to find them. ?Check out George Hedley?s advice for contractors if you want to see some numbers.
Buy lower and sell higher.
If you sell a tangible product, it?s time to do some negotiating. ?In small business sales training, one of the biggest flaws Noah sees in making more money? People don?t ask for a discount on everyday goods and services they use to run their business.
As a small business sales trainer, Noah has coached clients to negotiate overhead discounts for years. ?The biggest one? When the economy took a dive a few years ago, many companies asked their property managers for a rental discount. ?Others evaluated better garbage disposal, asked for deeper wholesale cuts on everyday products and even negotiated with office suppliers for better brands at lower costs.

Image Source: Ritholtz.com
Failing that, consider financing debt differently or refinancing. Even a simple move from one financing company to another can help you make more money in the interest you save. ?Don?t forget you can rent out an office, too. ?It?s becoming increasingly popular for small business to share space with other, unrelated entities.
?You?ll get a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION when you contact Noah. Let him assess your sales so you can start making more money.
Source: http://noahrickun.com/make-more-money-now-with-this-advice-from-a-small-business-sales-trainer/
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