This film image released by Sony Pictures Animation shows characters, from left, Manny, voiced by Benjamin Bratt, Steve the Monkey, voiced by Neil Patrick Harris, Earl, voiced by Terry Crews, Flint, voiced by Bill Hader, Barry the Strawberry, voiced by Cody Cameron, Sam Sparks, voiced by Anna Faris and Brent, voiced by Andy Samberg in a scene from "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs." (AP Photo/Sony Pictures Animation)
Movie review: More food fun in ?Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2?
By Sean P. Means
| The Salt Lake Tribune
First Published Sep 26 2013 04:39 pm ? Last Updated Sep 26 2013 09:50 pmThe witty and fast-paced animated "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2" is a lot more than leftovers.
Inventor Flint Lockwood (voiced by Bill Hader) picks up where the first movie left off, eager to clean up the massive mess left by his water-to-food invention. Enter Chester V (voiced by Will Forte), a high-tech tycoon leading the restoration effort for Flint?s home island of Swallow Falls. Flint idolizes Chester, who enlists the naive inventor to retrieve his invention.
?Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2?
Opens Friday, Sept. 27, at theaters everywhere; rated PG for mild rude humor; 95 minutes.
Flint, with his gal pal Sam (voiced by Anna Faris) and other islanders, learns that Swallow Falls has been overrun with "foodimals," living creatures made of foodstuffs ? like the fierce Taco-dile, with a taco-shell mouth and Monterey Jack teeth.
Directors Cody Cameron and Kris Pearn throw lots of jokes on the screen, and a surprising number of them stick, in this frenetic and colorful tale.;
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